8 Unique Tips for Planting Spring-Blooming Bulbs in Fall

If you envision a spring landscape blooming with vibrant color, planting bulbs will get you there. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener, or a beginner just testing the waters of bulb planting, the following tips will help you get to know these wonderful plants a little better, and give you an even greater opportunity to grow […]

4 Invasive Plants to Avoid in Your Garden & What to Plant Instead

Invasive plant species can cause significant harm to Wisconsin’s natural environment, but gardeners have the power to help prevent their spread! One of the best ways to stop the spread of invasive plants is to be mindful of what you’re planting in your garden and landscape. Although it can be tempting to dig up a […]

Welcome Beneficial Insects into Your Garden with an Insect Hotel

bee on flower

It’s not uncommon to see your garden infested with insects and have the urge to get rid of them. But as Mark Konlock (Director of Horticulture) says, sometimes you have to learn to live with the damage of insects because it likely means you’re supporting a healthy ecosystem full of plants, trees, insects, and other […]

4 Sustainable Water Practices for Your Garden

Water. It’s essential for all life, including the life growing in your garden, landscape, and plant containers flourishing in your living space. While it’s important to make sure your garden is properly watered, there are certain watering practices that contribute to the global water problem. It may not seem like a problem when you have […]

Protect the Environment by Planting a Rain Garden

There are plenty of reasons to create a rain garden in your yard other than the obvious aesthetic benefits. By planting and maintaining a rain garden, you’re improving groundwater, protecting streams and lakes, and preventing flooding! A rain garden’s main purpose is to capture and filter runoff contaminants like fertilizers, pesticides, oils, and other common […]

Do’s & Don’ts: Reusing Items & Tools in Your Garden

An important part of sustainable gardening involves reducing garden waste. One easy way to reduce this waste is to reuse items you already have. Check out these tips to learn what materials you can and can’t reuse in your garden and some ideas for giving non-garden items a new purpose! Garden Items & Tools You […]

Composting Basics You Need to Know

Composting can be as easy to start as you want it to be, and you have a few options when it comes to compost collection. You can either purchase a composting bin, use an old trash can or wooden chest, or just create a freestanding pile. There are plenty of options out there which makes […]

4 Easy Ways to Help Make Your Garden (or Landscape) More Sustainable

volunteer weeding

Sustainability is a hot topic right now in the gardening world. With Earth Day coming up next week, it’s more important than ever to be educated about what we can do at home, in our communities and in other areas to lessen our collective impact on local, natural ecosystems through our gardening and landscaping practices. […]

Sustainability Efforts at the Garden: Part One

Green Bay Botanical Garden is a place for people to engage with nature and each other, to be inspired by the amazing sights and scents, and to be refreshed throughout the year. In cultivating a space for people to grow, we must take care to keep our garden, and our planet, thriving for a long […]

Seed Starting Basics You Need to Know

Another year has come and gone, and we’re back to seed starting season! We’re already hard at work in our greenhouses starting some early pansies and canna lilies since they need more time to germinate than other flower and food plant varieties, but we’re excited to begin some of our other annuals early next month. […]

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Sounds of Nashville on August 11

will be moved indoors with limited seating due to Friday’s weather forecast. Tickets are no longer available. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Thank you for a great WPS Garden of Lights season - visit us again soon for more winter activities!